Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I often find myself thinking "Why?" You might think I am referring to my daughter and why she was born with so many challenges. Well, I do think that, sometimes, but not nearly as often as you might think. Ava is just Ava, and as much as I hate the constant worrying, the trips to the ER, the battles, and the surgeries, this is not my greatest wonder.

More often I find myself thinking...Why:

1. ...has reality TV become successful? How can anyone sit and watch much of the trash that passes for entertainment these days? And just when I think it can't get any worse, it does. We now have shows called I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant? (HOW DUMB ARE YOU?), Toddlers and Tiaras (about little girls who are made up and paraded around like tramps at kiddie beauty pageants), and 19 Kids and Counting (self-explanatory). I know of these shows only because the ads for them are blasted during commercials at decibels loud enough to wake the dead. There is also a very funny show called The Soup, which complies all this trash into little blurbs, then mocks them for how ridiculous they are. I love The Soup.

2. people like Jon and Kate Gosselin - obviously self-absorbed morons - gets tons of money for being idiots, while the rest of us have to work for a living?

3. ...does every child in America think they are entitled to a designer bedroom? Ava likes this terrible show called Trading Spaces; Boys vs Girls. It's about two kids who get to have their "dream bedroom" designed and paid for by this stupid show. If it was going to needy kids then maybe I could see the point. But most of the kids who are "chosen" are anything but needy and their parents could afford to re-do their bedrooms if such a thing was warranted. This show celebrates everything I hate: bratty kids, excess, greed, and getting something simply because you want it and whine loudly enough for it. All the kids on the show complain that their "bedroom is sooooo boring and uncool." Yeah well, so what? Neither of my parents had their own bedroom, and my brothers didn't either. Now, I did, but I was the only girl. And I am sure I whined about my room, but I never expected anyone to actually do anything about it....much less call in a design team from a TV show. Ugh. people like Tiger Woods, David Letterman, etc. etc. cheat on their wives? Hello???? You are a millionaire, successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams, have any material good you could want, your wife is beautiful, your kids are healthy...and...IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH????? Don't even get me started.

Well, I wonder about a lot more things, but I am keeping this short.


Joseph Del Broccolo said...

The crapola they present us with on TV is just a small sampling of where we are going as a nation! Down the tubes in gravity defying speeds!

Reality TV seems to proliferate and is embedding itself in American society! Shame on us.

Jim Pantaleno said...

Thankfully the "reality" presented on TV is not real for most of us, but it's beginning to gain ground. I'm sure I sound smug (I don't care any more) when I say this, but the American IQ is plummeting faster than the DOW JONES index, and shows like these only grease the skids. Throw in lousy public schools and a decline in parental responsibility and its no wonder our future is grim.