Friday, January 11, 2013

She's Baaaaaack...

Hello friends, Yes it's been one year since I've written. It's not because I haven't wanted to write. It's just that after working all day, doing homework with my daughter, doing homework for my on-line class, and making dinner...I'm done. Finished. Exhausted. It doesn't help that we bought a reclining loveseat for the "den" and subscribed to on-line Netflix, so my behind has been glued in said recliner watching old Law and Order reruns. Adam Schiff reruns. Old school.

Here are a few observations from the past year.

1. I cannot believe how lazy people can be. I'm not talking about lying-on-the-couch lazy, since I am a master at that (see above). I am talking about lazy in doing your job or your schoolwork. Some people feel that if they do their job half-assed, that's good enough. They don't care about making an impression, they don't care if they follow the rules, and they don't care if they inconvenience anyone. Part of my job this year entails helping my supervisor in the office, in addition to my classroom duties. Some people cannot do the simplest task with out having their hand held. They don't want to find out how to do anything because then they might be accountable. They do the bare minimum to get by. They also can't follow rules. If we are going to be out of work (with the exception of calling in sick) we are supposed to tell our boss ahead of time; yet people come in and say "Oh I'll be out for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, or I have to leave early today..." We all have to take time off; me included. But these people have been told a million times and they still act as thought they've never heard it before. Seriously...take responsibility for yourself.

2. People are incredibly rude and have no clue how to behave. We have one parent who is late every single day. She is the loudest woman on the planet and has no trouble bursting into the room while I am doing Circle Time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a group of 7 two-year olds to sit it a chair, listen to a book, focus, and listen? It's not easy. Right in the middle of my very engaging Circle Time performance, this woman, her useless boyfriend, and her kid come bursting into the room, like a herd of elephants. The woman is yelling at her child to be quiet and go wash her hands, while the boyfriend looks around and the kid cries. I want to chase the whole lot of them out with a bat. I do not even acknowledge the mother's existence, as she proceeds to dump her child into the Circle, which has been ruined by now, because all the children are looking at her instead of me. She then sits her fat ass into a child-size chair until her child is engaged enough for her to run out the door. As Helen Seinfeld said of Stella, "I hate her like poison."

3. While we go about our business here in the U.S. of A, people are suffering; here, there, and everywhere. This is not meant to be a downer, it's a wake-up all to all of us, me included. Some people are the cause of their own suffering, while others are born into circumstances beyond their control and start out life way behind the 8 ball. And then some peope are victims of oppression. I recently encountered a woman from another country. Her husband thinks it's just fine to beat the crap out of her. Well, after about a year or so of being in America, she finally called the police and the SOB is in jail. She told me she can never go back to her country because she brought "dishonor" to her family by calling the police...and if she goes home. she will be killed. Killed. For calling the police on her abusive husband. We take our freedoms for granted. And yes we are a melting pot and should respect other people's cultures...except when "culture" is used as an excuse to abuse and control people, especially women and children. Screw that.

4. The work that people submit to their college professors is deplorable. There is a spell check BUILT IN to the web site where we submit our work, yet people submit their work full of spelling and grammar errors; Not to mention that their writing is horrible, they don't use punctuation, and they are idiots. I really want to write "Please do us a favor and don't become an educator. Go into a profession more suited to your talents, like stuffing jelly into doughnuts."

But, alas, I am not allowed to express my thoughts out loud. So I have returned here, to whine, complain, and grumble. And might I say, I am pretty good at it. Have a lovely evening everyone!


Matt Pantaleno said...

Great, now I want a jelly doughnut made by a lazy, fat stupid person. Thankfully, according to yelp, there are 4,678 options within a 1.2 square mile radius of my current location.

Jim Pantaleno said...

Good to know the rant gene was successfully passed.