Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Like Father, Like Mother, Like Daughter

My father writes a couple of blogs: One is about his childhood in Brooklyn, and the other is about various subjects. Many of his posts are about things that annoy him, much as most of my posts are about things that annoy me. You may see a pattern here.

I often look at my parents and try to figure out how I am like each one. With my father it's pretty easy: We both hate the same types of annoying things. For example, when the person in front of you at the grocery store insists that cat food is $10 for a dollar, when she is really reading the wrong sign; a person driving in the left lane at 40 mph; people who think rules don't apply to them; traffic jams; seat belts; line-cutters; loud-talkers; braggers; and A-holes. We also have similar talents: both of us like reading and writing, but hate math. We are also pretty good at art. My temperament and basic personality are very much like my father's.

My mother is more complicated. I look like her, which is a compliment. I remember when I was a kid, all the girls would say that I had a pretty Mom. I was always proud of that (still am). I have many of her mannerisms...we drink our coffee the same way, as well as our wine. We like similar clothing. We like many of the same TV shows.

However, my mother has the cleanest house in the United States. I wish I had inherited some of this cleanliness gene (and so does my husband), since I do NOT have the cleanest house in the United States. Mind you, I am tidy...I hate clutter, chachkis, dust collectors, and anything that makes things look crowded. But basically, I also hate cleaning, laundry, and any form of housework except cooking. This is a problem.

My mother also has more energy than anyone I know. She always says she can't sit still. I have the opposite problem...I love sitting still. In fact, I can sit still for a very long time and watch the TV (wine and snacks help this tremendously). A little nap while sitting still is wonderful. Mom gets up at the crack of dawn and goes to bed early. I get up as late as is possible with a 6-year old and also go to bed early if I can (except if there's a good party). Add this to the hatred of housework, and that makes for one lousy housewife. My mother is a great homemaker (not to mention good at math). Oh well.

I think I'm a pretty good parent, and this I got from both of my parents. I always felt loved growing up and always loved family time, even when I complained about it endlessly as a teenager. I also loved being with my siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, all people who have had a tremendous impact on my life.

It's always been debated whether nature or nurture makes us who we are; it seems to me, it's a little of both. I guess we are who we are...and despite a few tweaks I'd make here and there, I guess I am happy with who I am.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

How sweet, tissues please. You are still loved my dear, and we couldn't be prouder of how you turned out.