Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Change

I have a new laptop. Why do I need a laptop, one might ask? I'm a stay-at-home Mom who spends way too much time on her desktop computer as it is. However, I also spend a lot of time hanging out with my daughter in various places; home when she's sick, hospitals when she has surgery, and just relaxing in general. Now Ava will watch the same episodes of her various shows a billion times over and over, so to keep myself from going insane, I can use my laptop while she watches her shows. It's a good arrangement. Plus I can use it when I'm away from home.

Plus I'm thinking of trying to write a small blog each day. Don't get too's going to be more of a journal of day to day stuff, so I can remember what happened before they threw me in the straightjacket. Don't worry; it will be full of whining, my favorite pasttime.

Ava is sick today. We were supposed to visit my parents today, but she came down with a cough and fever in the middle of the night. Having a child who is hooked to a pulseoximeter at night is an extra treat when she's sick. The machine alarms all the time, sending me into a panic and checking her chest to make sure she's breathing. We get barely any sleep when Ava's sick, but I guess this is true for most parents of sick kids. But as usual, we get the extra bonuses of the alarms, the breathing treatments, the meds...sorry to sound bitter. I am not complaining about this, it's just the way things are. But I have been in a mood lately about the state of CT and their ridiculous academic standards for kids. You are probably thinking, what the hell do academic standards have to do with a kid with a cold? This is too long to explain on a Sunday night. Let's just say that there a few people I'd like to invite to spend 24 hours in this house...and then let them see why I am not concerned about the speed at which Ava can do math.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

I guess the standards are set up without regard for children in special situations for whom learning math would be easier if they didn't have to interrupt their study time with those darn hospital visits. Ava will master math like she masters everything else, on HER schedule. Happy blogging, whining is theraputic.