Friday, August 5, 2011

Jimmy Crack Corn, and I Don't Care...

For some reason, my computer has been acting up lately and not allowing me to post blogs. Perhaps it's the universe's way of telling me to shut up, but no such luck.

So far it's been a good summer. We've done a lot of traveling, visiting, relaxing, pampering and just enjoying of life. I certainly cannot complain. Ava is enjoying her time off and so am I, although once school starts, a rude awakening will occur in this house, both physically and mentally.

However, this would not be the Whinery if I could complain about nothing. Here goes:

Complaint #1. I'm just going to say it: I do not like summer weather. I know, most people think I should be publicly lynched for this, but it's true. I hate the heat. I love fall weather and spring weather, and would even take cold over heat. (Note: I said "cold" not snow and ice; I don't mind cold, but I hate snow and ice.) Ava and I do not do well in the heat. Despite sunscreen, we get sunburned. Despite bug repellent, we get bug bites and rashes. Rashes from anything...plants, air, whatever. We seem to be allergic to the summer. I love the carefree lifestyle of summer, and the activities of summer, but I hate the weather, if that makes any sense. I do not see a reason for it ever to be over 75 degrees, unless I am at a beach or pool, in which case it must be at least 90 so I can cool off in the water. Yes, I am choosy and I don't care.

Complaint #2. It's that time of year when classroom assignment letters come out. They used to come in early August, but I think the school administrators got tired of complaining parents, so they send them out later and later every year. Some parents are actually waited for these, as if life itself depended on it. A group of women was complaining, wondering why we don't get our classroom assignments in June with our child's report cards. Finally I could not take it any more and said"It's because they don't want parents calling up and complaining who their child got for a classroom teacher. The later they send them out, the less complaining they have to listen to." That shut them up. I am sick of people worrying over who their child will get for a teacher. I don't believe in asking for a certain teacher, or worse asking not to have a certain teacher for the precious child whose life might be ruined if he or she were to get Mrs. Crabapple for grade 1. In fact, I am so evil that I could almost considering getting an administrator's credential so I could be a principal, solely because I would be filled with glee to assign a child a teacher who their parents requested they not have. I'm not sure how warped that makes me, but again...I don't care.

Complaint #3. Why is that people seem to all flock to the same place at the same time to enjoy summer vacation? How can one relax like this? I mean, obviously places like the beach and Six Flags parks are PACKED with people at this time of year. Now of course you can't go to Six Flags in the dead of winter, but why anyone would pay an enormous amount of money to stand in lane for rides is beyond me. I mean, I know once your kids get older they want to go places like Six Flags and I will likely give in. But take them there voluntarily, without being begged? I don't think so. We tried it last year and it was all the things I just love: HOT, overcrowded, overpriced and overrated. I will never go there until until my child begs with every ounce of her being to do so. Maybe this makes me a poor parent, but I don't really care.

And so there you have it. Not much to complain about, just a few little things. I am grateful that I have nothing major to grouse about. Just give me a few more weeks of heat...and I'll be back to my regular Whining self.


Jim Pantaleno said...

Don't know why but your latest blogs did not show up on my "Blogs I'm Following" page. Glad to see you whining again.

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

I totally agree with you about the summer weather. It is oppressive and the humidity really makes me nuts. I hope you can continue to write, as I love reading what you have to say.