Thursday, November 20, 2008

It Was the Age of Rudeness...

It never ceases to amaze me how rude and completely oblivious people can be. My daughter, who is 5, takes a karate class twice a week. She really enjoys this class, despite her tendency to pay attention to everything except the instructor, and to twirl and jump and stare at herself incessantly in the mirror that covers the wall. She is not alone...most of the kids in the class are doing their own little thing, while learning what they can about karate and all its positive lessons.
For some reason unknown to me, parents - or anyone who brings the child to class, (e.g., a grandparent) - are allowed to stay and watch the class. To me this creates an unnecessary distraction, but what do I know?
Anyway, most parents are respectful; they sit quietly, watch the kids, or read a magazine. There is a HUGE sign at the entrance of the workout room that says "Please turn off all cell phones beyond this point." I assume this is so some moron's "You Shook Me All Night Long" ring tone won't disrupt the class. Of course, there always has to be one who believes this sign was meant for everyone but them; obviously, their business is so important that it trumps the rules.
I sit by myself during karate and either watch the class or read. I tried talking with the other parents, but after a while, their boring banter about whose child was the brightest turned me off to wanting anything to do with them. A few weeks ago a new girl joined the class. Her grandmother - a loud, annoying woman - brings her each week. Today, at the start of class, she grabbed the instructor and asked, "Is Sam supposed to come on Wednesdays now?" The instructor said, "No, not unless she's received a letter saying she's in the Wed. class." The grandmother went on to ask 3 other ways if her granddaughter was to come on Wednesdays and the instructor answered "No" each time. During the last round of questioning, Grandma's cell phone rang. Mind you, the class had started by this time, but Grandma just started yammering into the phone, to the child's mother, "I AM JUST NOW CLARIFYING IF SHE IS SUPPOSED TO COME ON WEDNESDAYS." She then went on, squawking into the phone, about the day's events and what was for dinner. It took every ounce of my self control not to grab the F$%#!& phone and hurl it into the parking lot. Meanwhile, several members of the next class, which doesn't start until 5:15, always arrive early. There is a sitting room where they can wait, but oh no...their parents let them come into the workout room where they proceed to run around like maniacs and make a ruckus. One mother is also thoughtful enough to bring her son's 2-year-old sibling, who also runs around screaming like a lunatic. Here's an idea...keep your goddamn noisy kids in the waiting room until the instructor has finished her class. The irony is that karate is all about courtesy and respect, yet these parents display neither trait in either themselves or their ill-mannered children.
I guess the bottom line is, I am just a crab. I am sick of all these people who think their lives are so important, or that their kid's lives are so important, that they can just ignore any rules. Guess what? You are not the only person on Earth. No one gives a sh$@ about what's going on for dinner and everyone would appreciate it if you would keep your kids quiet for 5 minutes while another group finishes their task. I realize this requires you to think of someone other than you or your children, but I think you can do it if you really try.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

Sounds like the parents need the class more than the kids. As for Wednesday Grandma...."Here's Your Sign!"